miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

My future job

If today I have to ask myself what kind of job I will want to have when I finish college, the first think that come to my mind is fill my career as psychologist in a school. Of all the spectrum of institutions where a psychologist can do his job, like companies, hospitals, courts, comunitary centers and schools, I will choose the last one. That´s because I have "specialized" in this area taking the educational subjects in the career, and, because I like the idea to help to the children to be in a more healthy and supporting environment. But, at measure that the years pass, it gets harder to my self imagine my working in a indoor career, and, one that focus in the mental work, because, the people finish taking his job to the privet life, and the school (in this case) will not pay you that time. 

Despite the job as psychologist call my attention, I don´t want to do the same thing all my life. From April of thins year, I was working whit a partner selling pencils, notebooks, post it and erasers in the bridge of FACSO. Doing this teach me the hard and stressful work of an street vendor, specially when the salary depends of the quantity of sales volume of all the day. This part time job opened my mind to have more than one career, have a portfolio, multiple careers. 

I always have the hope of do cooking a job. Since I live alone, like 2 years ago, I had to learn to doing my own food, so of that way I discover the culinary arts. But is not my only choice, I´d like to have any technical career.